Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why You Should Go For Pre-Made Wedding Websites

There are actually two options to making a wedding website. It's either you create your own website from scratch or you simply customize a wedding website template. If you want some advice on how to create your own website to help you plan for you big day, pre-made websites are your best option for creation. Here are just some of the reasons why:

1. Less time to create

With a pre-made wedding website, practically all you have to do is upload pictures and text information. This is made possible through a website's user-friendly content management system (CMS). Compare this to creating a website from scratch: you have to register the domain and get a hosting account before you can create your pages. And unless if you are already familiar with CMS programs or web page design, creating a wedding website from the ground up can take a long time, probably longer than the time it will take you to plan your wedding.

2. Costs are minimal

Costs can be very minimal with pre-made wedding websites, sometimes there are even no costs if you have an account with one of those free wedding websites. Of course, you'll have to trade off some of your web space for some website advertisements, but it's only fair trade since you are using the website for free.

3. The most important features are already in place

In a wedding website, the most important features are the RSVP form, event calendar and photo album. If you want to do a DIY on your website, it may - and will - take you some time to learn how to create an RSVP form, an event calendar and photo album and incorporate them to the wedding website. Your learning curve might be even longer if you are not at all technical to begin with.

4. Wedding planning tools

Since they are already incorporated with very important wedding planning tools (for the guest list, seating arrangement, check list and budget), you simply cannot go wrong with pre-made wedding websites.

In all, buying pre-made websites are the better option because they take away some of the stresses of planning your wedding, without burdening you at all with the hassles of website building.

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