Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tips for Wedding Photos - Group Shots

Many a times, those precious moments in our lives are shaped and defined by our interaction with the people in our lives. One of the reasons we want our families and friends to be with us at our wedding is because they are the reminders of those defining moments in your life, and you know their presence will make the most significant day of your life even more special. Naturally, you would want these memories to be well-documented in the form of your wedding photographs, so that you'll always remember the people who were there to make that day special.

There's a lot that goes into a group shot and although it does indeed drain much of the time in your wedding programme, it is of utmost importance and sometimes signifies a tradition that must be upheld. Never mind the hassle; it is a great way to thank each of your guests and leave a lasting memory of their presence.

Moving on, group wedding photos also allow you to relieve your special moments, even in a story form. Perhaps you might want to take the group shots over different times during the wedding, or add an element of fun to it.

With relatives, it might be necessary to keep it formal as a form of respect. However, with your close friends or ex-school mates, you can always do it your way. Feel free to spice it up by portraying the very mood of the occasion. Be spontaneous without trying too hard - do what you feel comes along. Strike a balance between both types of photo shots and ensure that at the end, everyone has been part of a group photo and that they've all had a share of the magical moment.

Always honour those guests whom you might not know too well, or have a close bond with, making sure that none of your guest is left out. Ultimately, you want them to feel comfortable and know that they are acknowledged, not just someone you have to invite because of politeness or protocol.

Keep in mind you can never take too many photos, but do give priority on having quality photos taken with your direct relatives and family members for all the love and support they have given you. Make sure you make some effort to be considerate to your guests' wishes in terms of the wedding photographs. Although, some might still feel going to tables after tables for group shots take too much time off the wedding programme, but it does provide the best opportunity for you to formally introduce your spouse to your relatives and your friends.

In a nutshell, have a good time, and know that at the end of your wedding day, you'll have an album full of the day's precious moments to look at and feel the deep appreciation of those who have come your way to make that day extra special.

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