Friday, September 20, 2013

Wedding Photography and the Use of Filters

You are a wedding photographer or looking at becoming one in the near future. You have grasped the technical side of photography and how important lighting is when shooting a wedding. Another component of photography is the addition of filters on the body of the camera and the inclusion of them when post editing.

Filters have been around for some time now before the introduction of software such as Photoshop and Lightroom. Filters are designed to blur, sharpen images and can also be used as a blockout for UV rays from the sun.

The addition of filters is used for creating soft blurs, changing colour contrasts, making the photo images look rustic or even the grunge look. Manipulating images to make them look more suttle to the human eye is very appealing.

When shooting wedding photography on location in the direction of Sun you require filters such as UV protector to block and guard against the harmful suns rays. The inclusion of a polarizer is necessary when shooting in direct sunlight. This will allow for a balanced image as opposed to an overexposed photo.

New technology such as Photoshop and Lightroom has made it very accessible for the photographer to manipulate images from the office room. The wide array of filter functions available has made it possible to increase creativity and make wedding photography a brilliant art.

Photography is an art and has been around for generations. The inclusion of filters on the camera and also software applications can create a photograph that is perfect to the human eye.

There are many filters that have been developed for specific purposes such as colour dampening, enhancing richer colours, correction filters, blurring etc. The key to photography is understanding what filter you require for the particular shoot you are on.

A good starting point is to have a UV filter on you at all times when shooting wedding photography. Whether you are a professional or an amateur make sure you know that lighting is crucial and the addition of filters are used of creation, balancing and protection from the suns rays.

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